Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Performance Pressure!

Whether it’s Sachin Tendulkar in the middle of a cricket pitch or Tiger Woods in the middle of the night with a cocktail waitress...There is just one universal feeling that plagues one and all – Performance Pressure! I seem to be facing similar pangs with my blog. Every morning I wake up worrying what I will pen down today and retire for the day feeling like a complete loser for not being able to string together 200 odd words and a few random thoughts. Shame on myself!

It is indeed ironic that I started the practice of putting pen to paper (actually finger to keyboard) as a stress buster and today it’s causing more stress than what I was already burdened with. The exact same thing happens during a supposed ‘relaxing’ annual vacation. Every holiday is the same story...Wake up’s a pillar to post chase so you don’t miss a single tourist attraction. Post sunset its hopping from nightspot to the other, lest you miss out some wild parties. At the end of the break one returns jaded with a terrible hangover and the only thing you would have missed out on is the much needed (and sometimes deserved) rest!

I am convinced it’s a guy thing. I guess the Olympic spirit of participation for the sheer joy is not part of our DNA. We can convert everything into a competitive sport...even the most leisurely hobby!

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