Thursday, July 9, 2015

Tourist or Traveller?

Digital marketing is fairly intuitive and advanced. With the help of a few complex algorithms, it claims to sharply target communication to hapless souls, basis their need and mood. At least, that's what I assumed when a listicle with the question "Are you a tourist or traveller" popped up on my social feed.

While the content overdosed on stereotypes (similar to all South Indians are Madrasis, Mallus are horny, Bongs are cynical, etc. OK - I did make up a few), my answer to the question is a little 'off beat'! Honestly, I am neither...I am a wanderer. No map guides spirit will always be my North Star! This kick ass repartee serves as a perfect alibi to my dismal ability to navigate using maps...

However, they must also add a 4th category...the retards! This august group comprises all the selfie stick carrying morons. I am planning to file a PIL that modifies the penal code making it mandatory to beat the jokers to pulp...with their very own selfie stick!

So, the wanderer is all set...for a break that is much needed and probably well deserved!

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